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Stonepark Design & Concept


Simple lines created by curved forms within rectangular ones.

Harpasa washbasin sets in both half-pedestal as well as exposed siphon styles are designed to be used with a number of bathroom furnitures and fixtures.

  • Wall-mounted WC or back to wall
  • Asma yada duvara tam dayalı, taharetli klozet

 These modern washbasins offer a minimalist approach to bathroom design and are well suited for those who prefer the warm feel of wood in their bathroom. Back to wall system offers a visually rich arrangement for large bathrooms. Wall-mounted WCs and bidets offer practical and functional solutions for smaller spaces and make for easy cleaning and maintenance. A seamlessly balanced seat cover with its soft closing feature ensures that there is no risk of breakage

  • Artikelnr : HRP
  • Maße : 550x355